Project window - Project manager

With the project window all data of an ELCOVISION 10 project can be viewed and modified. It is the central control element of ELCOVISION 10. Several project windows can be open at the same time for the same project, e.g. to see the point cloud and the thumbnails of the images at the same time.

It is divided into 3 areas:

  1. Left Tree view of the various elements of a project: Here you select what is to be displayed in the project window.
  2. Top right: Listing of the selected project data
  3. Bottom right: Display of the data as 2D or 3D data.


All kinds of statistical information about the project is displayed here. The display of the location of the project file is particularly helpful.

Project – All Photos

List: Listing of all Photos with the following Details

No.Unique number of an image.

If coloured red, the image was not found:
- The image file does not exist (any more).
- The project was moved from another computer.

CommentAny comment
Status Active: Image has valid réseau measurement, or the CCD size is known....
TypeDigital, Analogue, External
OrientationThe 3D coordinates of the focus point of the image.
Shutter timeif corresponding Exif data are available.
Focal lengthif corresponding Exif data are available.
Apertureif corresponding Exif data are available.
ISO equivalentif corresponding Exif data are available.
GPS coordinatesif corresponding Exif data are available.
Photo measurementsNumber of image measurements generated by the automatic orientation or measured manually.
ScaleThe image scale for information purposes.
Réseau file CCD size information used or assigned réseau file for analogue images.
Réseau transformationFor digital images always "affine", for analogue measurement images the optimal transformation determined by the réseau measurement.
Camera NameThe assigned camera from the camera file or the mathematical camera model assigned during automatic orientation.

3D View: Point Cloud and Image Viewpoints

Image viewpoints are displayed either as red cuboids or with a thumbnail: Here the size of the cuboid corresponds to the size of the CCD or the negative of the camera. Or they are displayed 

I or context menuToggles between red squares and thumbnails.

Project – All Photos - Digital Photos

List: Listing of all photos with the following details

No.Unique number of an image.

If coloured red, the image was not found:
- The image file does not exist (any more).
- The project was moved from another computer.

CommentAny comment
Status Active: Image has valid réseau measurement, or the CCD size is known....
TypeDigital, Analogue, External
OrientationThe 3D coordinates of the focus point of the image.
Shutter timeif corresponding Exif data are available.
Focal lengthif corresponding Exif data are available.
Apertureif corresponding Exif data are available.
ISO equivalentif corresponding Exif data are available.
GPS coordinatesif corresponding Exif data are available.
Photo measurementsNumber of image measurements generated by the automatic orientation or measured manually.
ScaleThe image scale for information purposes.
Réseau file CCD size information used or assigned réseau file for analogue images.
Réseau transformationFor digital images always "affine", for analogue measurement images the optimal transformation determined by the réseau measurement.
Camera NameThe assigned camera from the camera file or the mathematical camera model assigned during automatic orientation.

2D view: Thumbnails of all digital images

Double-click on the corresponding thumbnail to load the image.

Rotate images legibly

Images must not be rotated externally, e.g. with the Explorer! In order to have images readable nevertheless, e.g. for manual measurements, they can be rotated via the context menu of the thumbnail view.

Sort images

Via the context menu, the images can be sorted in ascending order according to the image number

Project – Rectified Photos

List: Listing of all rectified images and orthophotos with the following details

NrUnique number of a rectified image or orthophoto
FileFile name
CommentFreely definable commentary
ScaleScale factor
Size of a pixelSize of a pixel in the project unit
ELSP PlanesNumber of image planes from which a rectified image has been created.

2D view: Thumbnails of all rectified Images and Orthophotos

Orthophotos can be mirrored and rotated via the context menu.

Project – Photo Measurements

List: Listing of all image measurements with the following details

PhotoId of the photo that contains the image measurement
NoPoint number of image measurement
X[mm], Y[mm]Coordinates of the image measurement in the image coordinate system
dx[µm], dy[µm]Image measurement error 

Project – Locale System of Coordinates

List: Definition of the Local Coordinate System

The parameters used in the last definition of a Local System of Coordinates.

3D View: Point clouds with superimposed Planes and Distances

In addition, the following is displayed in the 3D point cloud view:

  • The planes that have been defined as coordinate system plane
  • The distances that were used for the scaling

Project – Additional Observations

List: Additional distance information for scaling

CodeXYZ = oblique distance, otherwise distances in the respective coordinate axis
ActiveDistance is taken into account in the calculation
Point 1, Point 2Start and end point of the distance
AccuracyWeighting of distance measurement.

Project – Object Points

List: Object Points

No.Unique point number
NameArbitrary alphanumeric text
CodeControl point information: 
N .. New Point
X .. Control point in X
Y .. Control point in Y
Z .. control point in Z
XY ... Control point in XY
XZ ... Control point in XZ
XYZ ... Full control point
X,Y,ZCoordinates of the point
Sx,Sy,Sz, SxyzPoint accuracy
Gap X,Y,ZGap to control point coordinate
vNorm X,Y,ZEstimated normal vector of the point
MeasurementsNumber of image measurements for this object point. If >= 3 the accuracies are well determined.

Project – Point Clouds

List: Listing of all point clouds of a project

With [Active] the individual point clouds can be hidden/shown

3D View: Active Object Points and Point Clouds

Object points, if switched active, and the active point clouds are displayed.

Project – Mesh

List: Listing of all meshes with the following details

No.Unique number of the mesh
FileFile name of the mesh (.ply format)
ActiveShow/hide the meshing
VerticesNumber of vertexes of the mesh
PolygonsNumber of triangles of the mesh
CommentFree definable comment

3D View: Mesh and Image Viewpoints

Displays a mesh as a surface model, line model, point cloud or a combination of these. This display can be set via the context menu.

Project – Spatial Planes

List: Listing of all planes with the following details

NoUnique number of the plane
AktiveShow/hide the plane
NameFree definable comment

3D view: Point clouds and Planes

Displays the point clouds and the active planes as semi-transparent surfaces..

Project – Camera Data

List: Listing of all Camera Data with the following details.

The camera data can come from the configured camera file or from the automatic orientation. 
The camera files are in the installation directory of ELCOVISION 10 and one can be set as default camera file in the settings.

CameraUnique Id of a camera
Camera NameFreely definable name
ModeInternal use of camera data
C[mm]Camera constant 1 (focal length)
C1[mm]2nd camera constant, mostly for fisheye lenses or strongly distorting lenses
Xh[mm], Yh[mm] Principal point coordinates
XhV[mm], YhV[mm] Principal point for Leica Viva/Nova instruments
R1..R6Parameters for radial distortion depending on camera model
R0[mm] Zero-crossing of distortion for some camera models
Rmax [mm] Radius measured from the centre of the image for which the calibration values are valid
A1, A2Parameter Affine distortion
T1, T2Parameter Tangential distortion

Project – Réseau file

List: Listing of all known CCD sizes with the following details

Exif TypeUnique Id of a CCD
Sub IDIf the multiple resolution sizes are available for a CCD
CommentFree comment
Pixel X, Pixel YImage resolution
CCD X, CCD Y[mm]Active CCD size at this resolution
CCD [mm²]Active CCD area at this resolution
MPixelNumber of pixels in megapixels
Pixel [µm]Size of one pixel of the CCD